Dog Psychology English

Dog Psychology English · 03. Januar 2024
A dog can be a wonderful companion and greatly enrich your life. In order for the arrival of your four-legged friend to go smoothly, careful preparation is essential.
Dog Psychology English · 03. Januar 2024
A dog is more than just a pet - it quickly becomes part of the family and a loyal companion for many years. Therefore, it is important to find the right dog for your lifestyle and needs. In the following, I will give you some tips on what to consider in order to find the perfect companion.
Dog Psychology English · 11. April 2023
Multiple dogs. Owning multiple dogs can be a wonderful experience, but it can also present some challenges. Here are 7 tips for multiple dog ownership.
What is the best way to fend off an off-leash dog?
Dog Psychology English · 22. März 2023
Eventuell fühlt dein Hund sich schnell unwohl, bedrängt, bekommt Angst oder von ihm geht sogar eine Gefahr aus? Was kannst du bei einer ungewollten Hundebegegnung tun?

Can a second dog help with separation anxiety?
Dog Psychology English · 11. März 2023
No, a second dog is no guarantee that your dog will be able to relax and stay alone in the future! Find out more in the text...

Dog Psychology English · 06. August 2022
Your dog can't stay relaxed at home alone?

Baby & Dog
Dog Psychology English · 18. Mai 2022
Did you get the happy news that you are expecting a baby?Congratulations, this is the start of an exciting time. So far your dog has gotten your undivided attention and you - worry how it will work out with the baby, - are a little unsure what to look out for or - just want to prepare as best you can? Very good, because there are already some exercises that you should do with your dog during pregnancy! For a relaxed life with baby & dog.

dog tricks and commands
Dog Psychology English · 08. Juni 2021
Do you want to teach your dog commands or tricks? What should you watch out for and what should you absolutely avoid?